Tuesday 4 May 2010

Painting or play time.....

I am pleased to report the boys seemed to have settled down a bit today, assuming that is no-one gets between Guinea and the fence line. He seems to think that the others are not allowed closer to the youngsters than he is!

Guinea did have a bit of a grunt at Legend of Spartacus at one point but that was it. Legend is very muscular to say the least and I'm sure he could pack a real punch if he wanted to, he is a powerhouse!

I have spent most of the day decorating, it takes so long when you have to work round the numerous alpaca checks and lamb bottle feeds. I have painted the utility which was showing all the signs of the visiting lambs during lambing.

It is once again fresh and clean and looks so much better, the thing is once you start one room the others look like they need doing too.

Paul and I were enjoying watching the lambs this evening playing on the stone wall in there paddock. They look like a real little brat pack with Ebony's huge tup lamb looking like a right little thug! I do enjoy to see their evening play.

Hopefully it won't be too long and I will have alpaca cria to watch too.

1 comment:

Patou Alpacas said...

Aah, it will be soon no doubt about it!